
Merge Animals is a Tower Defense game that requires you to engage with various creatures to prevent invaders from taking over their realm. To form your defense, use the "Random Pet" button when you have enough funds to acquire diverse animals. By merging animals with identical numbers, their striking power will increase. Additionally, it's crucial for you to advance each animal through the Shop if you wish to succeed in your fight against the enemy!
Merge Animals is a Tower Defense game where various animals must be utilized to prevent invaders from taking control of the kingdom. By selecting the "Random Pet" button, you can acquire different animals within your budget that will contribute to your defense. Combining animals with identical numbers will boost their attack power. Upgrading each animal through the Shop is strongly encouraged in order for you to attain success and achieve victory.

Comment jouer

Merge Animals is a Tower Defense game where you'll need to work with an assortment of creatures to prevent invaders from taking over their territory. To assemble your defense, simply clic on the Random button to acquire various animals.

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