
While trekking through the winter forest, it is imperative to steer clear of malevolent beings and traps. Certain obstacles are stationary, whereas others shift as you fend off trolls and goblins. Neglecting to leap over them will result in your demise. Since lives are finite, caution must be exercised and timely aid provided for the panda's safe arrival at Santa Claus House.
As you venture through the wintry woods, it's vital to elude or obliterate any malevolent beings and ensnaring devices. The snares come in two types: immovable and mobile, which will activate when engaging trolls and goblins. Failure to avoid these hazards will result in your demise if there isn't enough time to leap over them. Keep in mind that lives are finite, so exercise caution and aid the panda promptly as you progress toward Santa Claus' abode.

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