
Old City Stunt is a game that challenges your driving abilities in a deserted urban area. You have the option to choose from four distinct vehicles, each with both armored and sporty features, while navigating through treacherous obstacles in the abandoned city. You can race against time to attain the double locked car by completing levels under "Racing" mode or explore Old City at your leisure using "Free Driving". For enhanced control on racetracks, be sure to utilize Nitro! In addition, there are numerous hidden gems scattered throughout Old City waiting for you to discover them via “Free Driving” mode.
Old City Stunt challenges your driving abilities in a deserted cityscape. Navigate through the dangers of this environment with four different vehicles at your disposal -choose between armored or sports cars. Test your skills by completing levels within a time limit, and unlock double-locked cars in "Racing" mode. Alternatively, explore Old City freely in the "Free Driving" section! Don't forget to make use of Nitro for more precise control as you race around the track! There's plenty to uncover when you use "Free Driving" mode to venture into Old City.

Comment jouer

Joueur 1 se déplace avec les flèches directionnelles, utilise Nitro en appuyant sur la touche "M" et regarde en arrière avec la touche "B". Joueur 2 se déplace à l'aide des touches "W, A, S, D", active Nitro en pressant "Y" et regarde derrière lui grâce à la touche "C". Pour redémarrer le niveau, utilisez la touche "R".

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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