
Wild West Clash showcases advanced graphics and exciting multiplayer skirmishes across various wild west-inspired landscapes. Assume the role of a gun-wielding warrior, utilizing various weapons to eliminate opposing players and emerge victorious during each competition.
Wild West Clash boasts advanced visuals and thrilling multiplayer skirmishes across various maps inspired by the Wild West. Assume the role of a firearms specialist and wield a variety of armaments to eliminate all opposing competitors, ultimately emerging victorious in each round.

Comment jouer

Utilize WASD to maneuver, Spacebar to hop, C for crouching, LMB for firing your weapon, RMB to aim precisely, hit the letter R when your ammunition is depleted and P will bring you up a pause menu. One may select their preferred weapon by pressing 1, 2 or 3.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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