
Elsa doesn't possess beauty, however, she's determined to transform herself. Upon discovering Anna's entry in a beauty pageant, Elsa expresses interest in participating as well. In her pursuit of the crown, Elsa opts for plastic surgery to modify several features. Could you assist her with this endeavor? Additionally, expert makeup and attire may aid in ensuring her victory in the competition. We urge you to give it your all! Let us begin!
Elsa's appearance is not considered attractive, but she has an unwavering determination to alter it. Upon learning that Anna will be entering a beauty competition, Elsa decides to also take part. She opts for plastic surgery in order to achieve her desired look. There are numerous aspects of Elsa's physical features that require modification; your assistance would be greatly appreciated! Additionally, with good makeup and clothing choices, Elsa could have a chance at winning the beauty pageant. Let's begin and give it our best effort!

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