
Jump is a platform game for children that involves jumping. The objective of the game is to control a cube and navigate through various challenges involving jumps. These challenges include leaping over small walls, rotating stars, avoiding spikes, and timing jumps before walls close in on you. Additionally, some stars move up and down, requiring careful estimation of when to jump or go under them. In situations where walls are higher than usual, players can execute a double jump maneuver.
Jump is a children's platform game featuring various jumping challenges. The objective of the game is to maneuver the jumping cube through mini walls and rotating stars, while avoiding spikes and timing jumps with approaching walls. Some stars move vertically, making it necessary to gauge when to jump over them or pass beneath them. When faced with higher walls, players can execute a double jump maneuver.

Comment jouer

Pour jouer à ce jeu, il suffit de tapoter sur l'écran.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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