
Pilot your vessel to the finish line by navigating through x and y coordinates. Collect every buoy while taking care not to collide with land masses or other watercrafts. The game is uncomplicated; merely touch the arrow buttons to modify the x and y figures, then press Move in order for the boat to head towards that spot. Additionally, watch out for sizable boats among others! To emerge victorious, clear all ten levels of play.
Pilot your vessel towards the end goal by utilizing x and y coordinates. Gather all the buoys without colliding with land or other watercrafts. The gameplay is uncomplicated, meriting merely tapping on arrow keys to modify x and y values, followed by clicking Move button for maneuvering the boat towards the designated point. Remain alert for sizable ships blocking your path! Conquer all ten stages to emerge victorious in this challenge.

Comment jouer

Cliquez sur les boutons "+" et "-" pour ajuster les valeurs de X et Y. Une fois que vous avez choisi la paire ordonnée voulue, appuyez sur le bouton "Déplacer" pour amener le bateau à se déplacer vers cette position sur la grille de coordonnées.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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