
Si vous souhaitez planifier un mariage pour cette saison des mariages, jouez le rôle de planificateur de mariage et imaginez-vous comme le meilleur organisateur du mariage royal entre le marié et la mariée. Utilisez votre talent pour réaliser leur mariage de rêve.
If you're looking to plan a wedding this season, take on the role of a wedding planner and become the best possible choice for planning a royal couple's big day. With your ability to create dreamlike weddings, you can make their vision come true.

Comment jouer

Embark on preparing for the grand royal wedding by sprucing up the abode and automobile of the groom and bride. Create exquisite attire for the twosome with a touch of royalty, taking into account traditional Indian customs as well as Christian nuptial practices. Find optimal beauty salons for male and female makeovers to enhance their appeal on this auspicious day. Also, craft delectable cakes to savor during the eventful occasion while also arranging a lavish spa retreat for both individuals worthy of their stature in society.

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