
Assist the prehistoric protagonist in traversing the molten river by manipulating the stone blocks into a viable pathway. Gather valuable items stowed within said blocks to gain entry into higher levels, while evading potential clashes with cannibals and their trajectory. By selecting the hero's image, his direction of movement may be altered as needed. Carefully manoeuvre each block across hazardous lava terrain and secure them in their rightful location.
Assist the hero from prehistoric times in traversing the river of lava. Clear a path for him by dragging blocks made of stone, and gather items within said blocks to access further levels. Take care not to come into contact with the cannibal or obstruct his route. If necessary, simply click or tap on the hero for him to change course. Move the blocks across streams of molten rock and deposit them where required by dragging them.

Comment jouer

Créez le chemin en faisant glisser les blocs de pierre. Inversez la direction de marche du héros en cliquant/tapant sur lui.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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