
Prepare yourself for an exhilarating journey with Steve! Encounter green monsters scattered throughout the world as you gather obsidian pieces. Once you have all the pieces, head towards the opened black hole. Traverse through it and find the portal located in a mysterious cave. Your goal is to reach this portal without succumbing to danger. Keep in mind that this adventure is set on hardcore mode, allowing only three chances for mistakes before having to restart from square one if more than three deaths occur.
Prepare yourself for an exhilarating journey with Steve! Encounter numerous green monsters as you search for obsidian pieces. Collect all the necessary components to access the open black hole and venture through it to reach the portal hidden within a cave. Proceed cautiously, as you are in hardcore mode with only three lives at your disposal. Be mindful that if you exceed this limit, all progress will be lost, and you must restart from the beginning.

Comment jouer

Control the game using either WASD or the Arrow Keys, or utilize mobile touch controls.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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