
A little foal is expected to be born today. Let's assist Pony in gathering essential items like a pacifier, diapers, bibs, and more for the baby. Once that is done, we have a chance to become true designers by decorating the baby carriage according to Pony's vibrant taste! Next, at the hospital, we will ensure a safe delivery through surgery and then provide care for the newborn. Enjoy this delightful journey!
A baby is expected to be born today from Pony, and assistance is needed in finding all the essential items for the newborn such as a dummy, nappies, bibs, etc. Additionally, there is an opportunity to showcase design skills by decorating the baby carriage according to Pony's preferences. Once at the hospital, surgery will be performed on Pony to ensure the safety of her baby. Following that, proper care needs to be provided for this little one. Enjoy this delightful experience!

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