
Reposition the pipes for seamless water flow. Construct a pipeline and transport water from start to finish. Be mindful not to exhaust your options! Notable attributes include: stunning pipe and aquatic imagery, an instructional interactive session, plus 24 difficult stages (Level 1 is uncomplicated but Level 2 will stump you), superb auditory effects along with music, and access to the full-screen rendition. This puzzle game serves as an excellent option for aficionados of both cognitive games as well as puzzles.
Reorganize the pipelines to allow water to flow continuously. Construct a pipeline that leads from the beginning to the endpoint while avoiding consuming too many moves. The game offers 24 levels with lovely pipe and water visuals, an interactive tutorial, and increasingly challenging gameplay as you progress through higher levels starting from Level 2. Additionally, it boasts stunning music and sound effects in tandem with its full-screen mode availability. If you're a fan of puzzle games or cognitive exercises, this one's for you!

Comment jouer

Organize the tubes in a manner that facilitates the movement of water.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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