
The Ice Queen is preparing for Christmas and plans to surprise many friends with lovely presents. Yet, she requires finances to do so. Therefore, assist the Ice Queen in procuring as many bills as feasible by working. Once enough funds are acquired, visit the store and purchase necessary items. If additional money is required, return to work more. The gifts will astound her friends when revealed by the Ice Queen - let's wait and see what each person receives!
The Ice Queen is preparing for Christmas and plans to pleasantly surprise many of her friends this year with beautiful gifts. However, in order to do so, she requires money. Assist the Ice Queen in earning an income by working and obtaining as many bills as feasible. Visit the store and purchase necessary items while also being mindful of available funds; if additional capital is required, returning to work is always a possibility. Once presented with their surprises from the Ice Queen, her friends will certainly be overjoyed - it'll be interesting to see what each receives!

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