
Select a fighter from the "Fighting Club" and demonstrate your combat prowess! However, exercise caution as each triumph will increase your opponents' might. Alternatively, challenge a companion to determine who exudes superior fighting capabilities. Flaunt your tenacity, agility, and power in the presence of genuine masculine figures.
Opt for a member of the "Fighting Club" and exhibit your fighting skills. However, exercise caution as the opponents will become stronger with each triumph! Alternatively, challenge a friend to determine who among you is the most impressive fighter! Unleash your robustness, grit and agility in this gathering of bona fide men!

Comment jouer

Le joueur 1 se déplace avec les touches WASD tandis que le joueur 2 utilise les flèches pour se déplacer. Pour donner un coup de poing, le joueur 1 doit presser la touche G et le joueur 2 utilise NUM 1. Quant au coup de pied, il est donné par les deux joueurs mais en utilisant des boutons différents.

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