
Hop into the luxurious vehicles and locate the designated parking spots. Maneuver through city streets without any collisions. This new car park offers an exciting experience with various challenges such as narrow roads, sharp turns, limited timeframes, and allocated parking spaces. Stay vigilant to adhere to all restrictions promptly. Cruise, Park, and Have Fun!
Step into the luxurious vehicles and find your designated parking spot. Maneuver through the city streets without causing any accidents. This state-of-the-art parking simulation will provide you with thrilling challenges as you navigate narrow roads, sharp corners, limited timeframes, and specific parking spaces. Be cautious and adhere to all rules to successfully complete each task. Drive safely, park accurately, and have fun!

Comment jouer

Move forward by pressing W, backward with S, left using A, and right with D. To jump, use the Space key. Aim by right-clicking and fire by left-clicking. Enter or exit a vehicle by pressing F. Access instructions with the I key and pause the game with Esc. Lastly, reset your car using R.

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