
Sans a warning, a small number of extraterrestrial vessels have infiltrated the orbit of our planet. The absence of international satellite communication poses an imminent threat to humanity. To combat these circumstances, survivors must adopt guerrilla tactics... Commandeer your vehicle and navigate through the metropolis en route to an alien stronghold! Conquer foes and formidable bosses for access to lethal arsenal, automotive upgrades and performance-enhancing bonuses!
Without any indication, a small number of extraterrestrial crafts have infiltrated the planetary range. The absence of worldwide satellite communication poses a threat to civilization. Those who remain must employ guerrilla strategies... Command your vehicle and charge through the urban landscape in pursuit of an alien stronghold! Overcome attackers and formidable leaders to gain access to enhanced armaments, vehicles and boosts!

Comment jouer

ez votre personnage et débloquez des voitures tout en progressant - Écrasez tout dans ce jeu simple mais stimulant et amusant, plein de chaos et d'imprévus - Accédez à des armes spéciales, à des frappes aériennes et à divers autres bonus pour vous aider lors de votre voyage imprévisible.

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