
'1010 No Danger' is an exclusive puzzle game that requires you to remove all blocks with a hazard sign on the board. To do so, you must fill the row or column containing the hazardous block by selecting and dropping available block sets from the left panel until there is sufficient space.
'1010 No Danger' is a distinctive puzzle game where the objective is to erase all blocks marked with danger signs from the board. This task can be accomplished by filling the row or column that contains the hazardous block. To achieve this, select and place block sets from the left panel onto the row or column. The allowed number of drops depends on available space until it's filled completely.

Comment jouer

Utilise la souris ou l'écran tactile pour déplacer les groupes de blocs en faisant glisser et déposer.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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